
Sit here with me under the Arbor Vitae, and let us consider the world.

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Location: Desert Southwest, United States

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. ~T.S. Eliot

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

St. Sebastian's Day

Today was an orgy of sugar and red dye #2 at work. Mounds of sugar, piles of pink and white whipped fat, death by chocolate. My omentum hurt just looking at all of it, so I stayed out of the lounge.
They brought it to me anyway, and of course I ate it all. Before 10:00am. So weak, so very, very weak.
It's so strange that this minor, fake Hallmark holiday is more celebrated than Christmas, or New Years, or anything else in these parts. It must have something to do with bright and sweet and cheap.
Anyway, I find myself responding to physical beauty again. It's been so long! When I was a teenager, I could be absolutely hypnotised by the faces of the girls at the convent, or light moving on banana trees, or mist along the koolau mountains. The face of the coxman on the boat launch I used to take to school. -- He always looked so warm, with his cold weather gear and his dark skin.
Anyway, I was sitting in Barnes and Noble book store last weekend with my little boy, drinking tea, and looking at the beautiful artwork on the covers of the books around me, and it somehow the lighting, the space, the rich, muted colours all settled into a feeling of tranquil joy and well-being.
It feels good to be back.


Blogger Zany Mama said...

Sounds delightful...and of course, I mean the cheap chocolate and red dye.

6:34 PM  
Blogger bijan said...

My initial reaction, was to tease you and ask what was in the tea, but I remembered last night. You know, how weird! I was watching the Nature program last night on a PBS station. I was called The Real Macaw. I got the same feeling of tranquility and bliss you described. I had never known that these birds are so colorful and special and we are so lucky to have them around. I was going to blog about it, so. I’ll stop here, so I have something new to say later.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks guys!
The "tea" was Ginger Peach, Mr. Bijan. Which is so funny when I think about it.
The day after this post, I came across this:http://www.tremble.com/
and had to laugh in recognition.

7:08 AM  

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